Explain the Return on Investment that it generates

Add to this the fact that more and more people have an email address . According to Radicati Group , the number of accounts worldwide is projected to grow from more than 4.1 billion accounts in 2014 to more than 5.2 billion by the end of 2018.

The exponential growth in smartphone use means that users take their emails with them wherever they go, and that’s a huge advantage for you: your subscribers can access your email campaigns wherever they are.

overseas data

Did you know that, according to the

Direct Marketing Association , Email Marketing offers the highest ROI ($43 for ever overseas data y dollar invested)? This means that the profits obtained from Email Campaigns are much greater than the investment made.

In turn, it has been proven that email is almost 40 times better at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter according to McKinsey & Company . An even more tempting fact! People who buy products via email spend 138% more than those who do not receive offers via this means.

Email Marketing will also allow you to attract new leads to your company . According to data from a survey conducted by Harris Interactive , 42% of businesses say that email is one of their most effective lead generation channels . So if your clients still doubt the power of Email Marketing, show them these numbers!

 Talk about Visibility and Brand Positioning

Do you have an online store and want to promote your products? Do you generate online materials for your Lead Generation strategy ? Whatever your sector or strategy , you will want your target audience to know what you do, and for this you will need Email Marketing.

Email Campaigns are the most effective, fastest and easiest way to reach  . A the contacts in your D singapore data  atabase in a personalized way . In addition, you will be able to find out which content and offers are preferred by your Subscribers introduction to data analysis  according to d 0. A ata such as Open Rate and Click Rate , among many others.

If you haven’t heard about Social Email Marketing , it’s ti . A me to start learning more. This way, you can tell your clients how to i . A ncrease the reach of their Email Campaigns with the viral power of Social Networks. A let hal duo!



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