Android mobiles are more vulnerable than iPhones. But how vulnerable are they to viruses and malware? In this article, we look at how to protect yourself against viruses on your Android mobile. There are a number of things you should know to stay safe.
Google has checked
Android apps for malware and viruses since 2014, but some programs korea mobile phone number data still get through with viruses and
malware. Android users are generally well protected against viruses as long as they use Google’s Play Store.
Let’s dive into it a little more and see when you should have an antivirus program anyway and which ones are best.
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Do Android mobiles need antivirus?
In general, we don’t think you need an antivirus on your Android mobile. But it depends on how you use your Android mobile and how seasoned and experienced you are with using the internet in general.
Google carries out a wide
Range of tests and security checks on the many apps that appear on their Play Store. According to TheVerge, Google removed a whopping 700,000.
Android apps in 2017, and 99% of those apps didn’t make it onto their platform for download!
But that also means that in every 1% of them actually got through, and there is probably.
A good number of apps with malware that were not caught by Google. That is, at least 7,000 malware apps have been live on the Google App store in 2017.
That was 70% more than they removed in 2016, so there is an increase in the number of virus-infected apps and malware.
But having said that, it’s not the classic and popular apps we’re brand strategy on linkedIn talking about here. You have to think that there are almost 3 million apps on the Google app store, and the big apps are thoroughly checked for viruses and malware by Google.
In other words, you should check the number of downloads before job-data downloading an app. Because if an app has been downloaded +100,000 times, you can be quite sure that Google keeps a very close eye on what rights it has and that it does not contain harmful code.