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Comparing yourself to your competition can boost your Content Marketing plan

Christian Renella
Christian Renella
Director and Co-Founder of el MejorTrato. Entrepreneur interested in artificial intelligence systems.

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Need some ideas for your content strategy? Maybe there’s one you haven’t thought of. Read this post and find out how to improve your results by comparing yourself to your competitors.

The next point to focus your content marketing efforts on is a direct 1-to-1 comparison against your competition.

How can you tell if this is a good idea? If you put yourself in the shoes of your future client and analyze their point of view, you will be able to see how before making a decision about which service to hire or product to buy, the first thing they intuitively do is compare you with those who can offer them the same thing as your company.

According to a study conducted by

GE Capital Retail Bank’s, 60% of consumers begin their research on a search engine before going to ws data  the final landing page where they will actually make the purchase.

It is in this context that even Google’s organic predictor is suggesting  is it worth paying for it? complete tutorial that you create content based on what other users have previously searched for. An example to study can be comparing the different options in customer service software:

How to Compare Yourself to the Competition: Zendesk


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