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Composition in Photography

Composition in photography is the organizing component of artistic form, giving the work unity and integrity, subordinating its elements to each other and to the artist’s overall concept. wikipedia.

With the right use of composition in your photographs, you can control the viewer’s attention. With the right formation of objects in the frame, with the right framing of the photo, you yourself show the viewer what to pay attention to first, and what to pay attention to later. With the help of composition, you show the key object and divert attention from secondary ones. The success of a photo depends 80% on a good composition.

Those who are interested in photography and composition

In photography have most likely already heard about the concept of the “Golden Section”. A simple section divides the frame horizontally and vertically into three parts.

If the object in the frame is at one of the intersections of these lines, you can be sure that the viewer’s attention will fall on this object first. By placing objects along imaginary lines, you will make the photo more balanced, and the desired object will immediately attract attention.
People see a picture of the world in volume. The camera transmits a flat image. To convey the volume of objects and the depth of space in a photograph, we can use perspective techniques. Perspective helps to show the location of objects in space, and therefore volume in a photograph.

Converging lines. The property of human perception is that large objects seem closer to us, and small ones – further. Far objects are smaller, and croatia phone number library close ones – larger. Place the convergence point of the lines at one of the intersection points, and the frame will look more advantageous.
This is another way to convey the depth of space and explain to the viewer of the photograph what is closer and what is further away.
All people perceive colors approximately the same. Warm shades are perceived by us closer than cold ones. This rule can be applied in photography, placing objects of warm colors in the foreground, and objects of cold shades (gray, blue, blue) in the background. This way the photo will look much more harmonious.
Guide lines.
One of the ways to control the viewer’s attention is to use guiding lines in the photo. More precisely, objects that give the viewer the opportunity to move their gaze along them.

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Composition in Photography Composition

In Photography Composition in Photography Composition in Photography. Statics and dynamics.
Composition in photography can convey mood to a large extent and feelings. Vertical shots seem more dynamic to us, while horizontal ones seem calmer and more static. Therefore, you can add additional dynamics to a frame by making it vertical.
Diagonals also add dynamics to the photo japan data and set the mood. For example, ascending diagonals create the impression of growth and aspiration, and also create a slight tension.

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