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How to make money from a blog?

How to make money from a blog is one of the most common questions faced by many who decide to enter the blogging world. Not infrequently, however, the initial enthusiasm begins to be suffocated by the skepticism that comes from all around us.

You can’t make a living from it

You’re just wasting your time writing it, these are just some of the comments that can appear.

Then you start hearing stories about how it’s a difficult and long process that very few people succeed in and that you’ll spend years and years until your blog morocco phone number library  gets back on its feet and starts making a profit.

All of that is true, but you don’t need to listen to other people, especially those who have never had their own blog! Why do blogs fail? There are many reasons why very few blogs manage to survive for more than 2-3 years .

However, as one of the main ones,

The fact that a very small number of people during the creation of a blog have an idea with which they will make money from it stands out .

I have heard many times that someone starts a blog and plans to make money from visits. It is the hardest possible way you can choose.

If you are reading this text

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I assume that you already have a blog and are wondering how to make money from a blog.

But before we go any further, do you have a business  model that will make your blog money? This is perhaps the most important thing in all of this.

Without a business model, that is, a strategy through which you plan to make money from your blog, everything else falls into the water. Let’s face it, I also the 6 best free project management software of 2024 don’t make much money from the blog.

I started my blog Rio travel stories

Almost four years ago. how to make money blogging: rio stories Back then, I had no idea what blogs were, how to write texts, how to optimize 1000 mobile phone numbers them for search engines .

How to find ways to earn money for my blog

I didn’t even know how to make a site. But as time passed, the blog became more and more read and the ideas for making money kind of appeared by themselves.



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