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How to motivate external authors to publish for free on your blog

I have been lucky enough to publish on several blogs or portals as an external author. These include the QDQ blog, Loogic or Puromarketing. I have done so in all cases without charging for it and I have even offered it proactively on some occasions. My main motivation has been the value generated for the creation of my personal brand.

Getting quality bloggers for blog

I recently invited Javier Echaleku to participate in marketingguerrilla. Aes as an external author (“7 tips to get media coverage for your start-up”). Surprisingly, on the same day a potential client had read the post on my blog. A (which he had found through Twitter) and had mentioned. It to him. With this small detail I had already gained an important advantage over all those alternative providers who had also presented themselves.

This anecdote may be bulgaria phone number library an exception. However, there are many points with which bloggers from outside can be motivated to publish on a blog other than their own.

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Relating to you and your own personal brand

the strength of your personal brand (see also “How to do personal marketing in guerrilla 2.0 style”) or that of your company helps to strengthen Is vpn necessary for my security? the brand of the external blogger. If you already have a good image among the target audience that he wants to reach, he will also want to relate to you.

Allow external links to the author’s articles or blogs: apart from the traffic that the blogger receives, you help him improve his SEO with a good link.

I hope that these basic tips have helped b2c fax you to attract external authors and provide quality content.

Promoting the blogger

Through Twitter: you can announce the post on your blog a few days before and promote the blogger. Apart from his thanks, you can get him some new followers.

Introducing the external author with a short description: with two or three sentences.  A (in some cases even less) you can introduce the blogger to your readers. In this way you help him achieve indirect marketing and position himself as an expert. A among an audience that he would not otherwise have access to.

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