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Phantombuster Network Automation Tool

Phantombuster is a much talk about tool lately, as it is capable of automating and collecting (scraping) information from social networks with which a lot of digital marketing actions can be carri out .

In this post we are going to talk about whether it is reliable, what its advantages are and why it could make things easier for you as a company or a marketer looking to save time searching for information to use it to carry out more rewarding actions.

What is Phantombuster?
Phantombuster is a tool that helps you automate and collect (scrape) information from social networks . With this, more than just filling your database, you can do a lot of digital marketing actions.

What is phantombuster spanish


It works by giving commands in an interactive console through engineer database its web page, where you just have to configure each command one after the other. Then Phantombuster will take care of executing the action you ne.

What does all this mean? This tool saves you a lot of time and gives you a competitive advantage.


What can Phantombuster do?

Well, it can do many useful things for your company or project: from collecting email lists to getting lists of influencers in your field.

Each function within the platform is call Phantom, although it if you want to master this field also has other specific functions call Workflow. So we could say that these activate a unique ability or power each time they are invok.

In addition, it has specific functions for each social network, focusing on the data manag through them and providing facilities for the extraction, export and use of these data.

1. Automations for LinkIn

Phantombuster offers basic extraction and export japan data functions for LinkIn. The advantage of these is that they are design according to specific information nes with the most prominent Phantoms being:

Network Booster
Contacts Extractor
Profile Scraper
Message Sender
In addition to the automation options to comment, follow, post or add a like to any post, it also provides the opportunity to scrape information relat to companies, meetings or events.


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