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Using Brand24 has given a new approach

Among the digital marketing tools that you should try . Allowing real-time access to sensitive information related to your social networks.

How many times have you overlooked a relevant question or comment on your social media? More times than you would have liked, for sure.

It is now possible to obtain this data, previously collected and processed at the end of a certain period, as it occurs thanks to monitoring with Brand24 .

Read on to learn about

Its features and how to take advantage of them in digital marketing in this article.

Although Jarvee is only available for Windows, which is a limitation, it has better physician database subscription prices, which may make you think twice before choosing. But if you want to take the hassle out of it, Phantombuster is the more convenient option.



Frequently Asked Questions

Does it work in Spanish and to search for profile when surfing the internet information in Spanish?

The platform is entirely in English and many of its functions collect data in this language. In the case of emails, phone numbers, personal data and interactions, there are no problems when extracting them. However, it is possible to find errors when scraping comments in Spanish or any other language other than English.


It is easy to find alternatives to Phantombuster on the market to carry out several of its tasks. However, most of these are focused on obtaining company and contact data.

Whether or not it is appropriate to use them is still a topic japan data of discussion within social media marketing. Some may consider the use of bots to boost interactions as a vulgar trap.

Although in the case of scrapping , there is no doubt about its usefulness and the advantages it offers when it comes to getting followers for social networks, potential leads and consolidating a database with really valuable information with the help of Phantombuster .


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