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Windscribe Review and Test (Pros and Cons)

The speed is one of the most important parameters when we compare VPN providers. There is a big difference in what you get with the different server locations and the quality also varies a lot from provider to provider in the same locations.

We have tested

with Danish and American IP, as these are the two locations most people will use with a VPN. Typically, people will use a Danish IP when they simply want to add security and encryption to their internet activity. When, on the other hand, you want to use your VPN to stream or watch foreign content, you will typically choose the USA, as they have new zealand phone number data the most content on e.g. Netflix, HBO, etc.

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We’ll take a closer look at how good Windscribe is for streaming, but first let’s see what speeds we achieved in our tests:

Here are the speeds I’ve averaged with Windscribe:

Cabled fiber network connection directly on the router with 100/100 Mbit connection.
We carried out several tests to ensure a clear result.
Connection was very fast.

It took 2-5 seconds


to log in and it didn’t matter if I chose a Danish or American IP. It was not always possible to select all the American server locations that were to be found inside the program. But there are plenty of locations to choose from in the US, so it doesn’t matter that much.

If you very specifically need to connect in a certain city or state in the USA, it is important that you check that this city is on the list. It varies a LOT which cities and states you can connect from among the different VPN providers.

Our assessment of the speed
We give them 8/10 for this. In Denmark we had fantastic speeds all the how to start a web positioning strategy? way up to around 90 Mbit, which is very nice. It was also respectable in the US, where we could have wished for more from the download speed. It is the one that is decisive in relation to streaming quality etc.
Ping was OK fine in Denmark. They are a bit on the low job-data end, but a ping around 200 ms is still perfectly OK with the VPN.

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