Home » Big Data will be at the service of Internet Advertising

Big Data will be at the service of Internet Advertising

Marketers and advertisers will be hungry for data that will allow them to improve their online strategies. And luckily for them, in 2017 the amount of information they will be able to obtain from their users will continue to grow.

But it will not be enough to simply access this data; they  updated 2024 mobile phone number data will have to learn to interpret it and use it to deliver more effective and personalized messages.

This trend will also bring with it an overdose of information that can be negative for those who do not know what to do with it.


 Facebook and Google will continue to make strong strides

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It is undeniable that today a large part of Internet advertising goes through these two digital giants. This trend will become more pronounced over the months to the point where they will have more than 60% of the advertising market .

Another interesting figure? In 2017, investment in digital videos will be 23.78 billion dollars , according to Magnaglobal .

Despite attempts by Instagram and Snapchat to play in the big leagues, the numbers will still be in favor of Google and Facebook.

 Mobile Advertising will play in the big leagues

According to a report by Zenith, mobile advertising investment worldwide will be almost 100 billion in 2017. An interesting difference compared to the 97 billion billed throughout 2016.

These figures make it increasingly clear that mobile will be the main advertising medium and channel, displacing devices such as laptops and desktop computers.

The ferocious pace at which Mobile Advertising is growing  chrome extension to find emails will undoubtedly be a major challenge for those companies and businesses that are not yet fully aiming in that direction.

 Advertising agencies will diversify

All these advances and those to come will highlight the need for a more interdisciplinary team in both consulting firms and companies. Those businesses that have a limited staff or do not have an internal advertising de ws data  partment will need the collaboration of experts if they do not want to end up in limbo.

Each trend that will mark 2017 will test companies and will overwhelm those that cannot ride the crest of the wave or do not understand how to do so.

Today more than ever, the best Online Advertising agencies will become key agents when it comes to advising companies and helping them not to be left behind. And they themselves will even undergo transformations by hiring professionals specialized in different disciplines (in addition to Internet Advertising) such as SEO, SEM, Content Marketing, Big Data, Design, Digital Editing and Web and Mobile Development.

New paradigms, different strategies
Without a doubt, 2017 will be a challenging year for companies entering the market and for those already established in advertising terms.

We hope our article helps you cope with the changes coming to the digital universe. And if you need inspiration or advice, we invite you to learn about some of our most successful work .

We say goodbye with the wise words of Philip Kotler , father of Marketing, which perfectly illustrate the challenge posed by these new trends:

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